One Bogardus, Una Familia
Contact Us
The Tenant Association is here to make our shared living experience as comfortable and enjoyable as can be. Swing by our meetings on Sundays at 2pm (NOTE: date & time subject to change after first meeting), or feel free to send us a message in the form provided and we'll respond ASAP.
If you are looking for other housing resources and links to city agencies, non-profits, and local officials, click here.
La Asociación de Inquilinos está aquà para hacer que nuestra experiencia de vida compartida sea lo más cómoda y agradable posible. Pase por nuestras reuniones los domingos a las 2 p. m. (NOTA: la fecha y la hora están sujetas a cambios después de la primera reunión), o no dude en enviarnos un mensaje en el formulario proporcionado y le responderemos lo antes posible. ​
Si está buscando otros recursos de vivienda y enlaces a agencias de la ciudad, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y funcionarios locales, haga clic aquÃ.
Finalmente, si encuentra alguna dificultad técnica, comunÃquese con nosotros directamente al correo electrónico a continuación. ¡Gracias!

Housing Resources
City Agencies, Non-Profit Organizations & Local Officials
(listed in order of relevancy / most frequently used)
NYS Department of Homes & Community Renewal – this is the State's affordable housing agency. They handle issues of rent regulation, tenant protections, and fair housing, amongst others. You can visit their Tenants website here. To file complaints, request your unit's rental history, or respond to an open case, visit Rent Connect here. To access your apartment's prior rental history, follow this link, and click on "Rent Info – Submit a Question".
NYC Housing Preservation & Development – is a City agency that protects the quality and affordability of housing by rigorously enforcing the NYC Housing Maintenance Code, which covers heat and hot water, mold, pests, gas leaks, fire safety, and more. Often times, HPD is the agency that sends inspectors to the building in response to various 311 complaints. A record of their most recent inspections is available in the mailroom. The following are links to more info on Tenant Rights, issues of Housing Quality & Safety, and how to Report a Complaint about a Safety Hazard, Harassment by the Landlord, or Housing Discrimination.
NYC Commission on Human Rights – is a city agency which handles complaints of Housing Discrimination, Inadequate Accommodations for people with disabilities, and other violations of Human Rights Law and Title 8 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York. They also have a bureau which educates the public on related topics to encourage positive community relations. You can report discrimination here, and get more information about disability rights and your right to reasonable accommodations here.
Met Council on Housing
The Met Council on Housing – is a non-profit organization which assists tenants with answers to basic questions, and provides a host of resources and referrals to other city agencies, including those listed above. Their tenant rights hotline (212-979-0611) is available for limited hours, staffed by volunteers. They cannot provide rental assistance for those struggling to pay rent, but they can direct you to other resources which may be able to help. They also cannot provide legal advice, but they may be able to connect you with a lawyer if needed. For more information, please visit their website at